Homepage 2019-03-21T11:05:31+00:00
1207, 2019

SWUP project has finished! Discover its legacy to design women-friendly sport activities and environments!

July 12th, 2019|Categories: News|

After 2 years of intense work and big gratifications, SWUP project comes to an end! It leaves a rich legacy of tools, publications and ideas for engaging women in practising physical activity in public spaces. In the last newsletter, it is possible to [...]

1206, 2019

Last SWUP event to discuss about how to enhance women’s outdoor physical activity!

June 12th, 2019|Categories: News|

At the end of June of this year (2019) partners from SWUP project gathered in Brussels for the last meeting of the project! Partners shared their experience with local associations from Brussels on how to create activities and urban places that encourage women [...]

SW-UP – Sport for Women in Urban Places

Involving women in outdoor sports through the SW-UP Project: 10 project partners from 7 European countries are coming together to transform their cities into women friendly environments for outdoor activities.