Survey Report

/Survey Report
Survey Report 2019-08-07T10:31:35+00:00

Survey Report

“The survey report, called “Towards gender equity in urban outdoor sport spaces”, is an explorative study on women and outdoor sports in the five European cities partners of SWUP project. The report has been drafted by Mulier Instituut on the base of the questionnaire elaborated by the partners cities with the technical support of IRS.

The document provides in-depth knowledge on the following issues:

1. When, how and where people and, in particular women, practice outdoor sports/physical activity

2. Barriers to women’s participation in outdoor sports/physical activity, with a particular focus to those related to the quality of the urban environment

3. Factors encouraging women’s participation in outdoor sports/physical activity

4. Preliminary recommendations on how to encourage women’s participation in outdoor sports/physical activity, with a particular focus on issues related to the creation of women friendly urban environments for such sports.”